I've been busy with my work and lately my work includes building a light fixture to hang over our conference room table. Initially, I was looking for an old florescent school fixture with baffles but I've had no luck finding such a fixture on
craigslist or otherwise. Here is what Central market had in there produce section.

So after some world wide web investigating I found what I was looking for in a
lithonia fixture, however it was too pricey in my judgement, $800. I decided to design and build the fixture. It cost me about half as much and I think what I created is a better looking product. I drew up the design and sent it to
capitol company on north
lamar in
austin. Mr.
Higgonbathom and James really helped me make it happen. I ended up there by chance. I stopped by there shop thinking it was another
sheetmetal shop but they had everything I needed and were very helpful so I stayed and showed them what I was looking for.

I left the design with James and he told me the metal pieces would be ready the next day. In the meantime I went to
breed & co. near the university of
texas campus and purchased the
sheetmetal screws and chain I needed to hang the baffles. On the way home I stopped by the
schwinn bicycle shop and purchase a couple of bicycle chains to hang the light from the ceiling. Breed & co. really has almost everything you could ever want in a hardware store. Another good hardware store in
austin is the Ace hardware on 183 at
anderson mill. I like the owner because he is a gun nut, actually he is more of
constitutionalist and I respect that. Anyway, here is the product of my labor, I hope you like it. My plan is to sell this stuff eventually.

The conference table doubles as a ping pong table. My wife and I are supporters of the Austin
Children's Museum. We were attending a party at the
ACM, located downtown, and I rediscovered these
National Public Seating Corporation stools. They are not very comfortable but make for a short meeting and I really like the way they look. This got me to thinking about a website you should look at named
Motoart. Aaron who works for me told me about this website. I am fascinated with their work. I am a pilot so it makes their stuff all the more exciting. I really like the wing that doubles as conference table.